"Engaging with nature and sensory experiences, promotes a sense of connection and well-being."
– Jacob Krzanowski
Dr Jacob Krzanowski grew up on the edge of the Canadian Rockies where he first developed a love of the outdoors. Moving to Europe he undertook medical training and has spent the last 10 years working in the UK as a psychiatrist for the National Health Service. Working alongside the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare he developed the Green Walking Initiative to improve access to green spaces for staff and patients.
Through this work he has become active in promoting an appreciation for people’s interdependence with the natural world. He has spoken widely through conferences and workshops to help people understand how mental health depends on the health of our planet.
Alongside his clinical work as a consultant in addictions he holds a number of roles focused on advocating and developing mental health services that aspire to provide good quality care not only in the present but also for future generations. His own experiences and exploration of the outdoors continue to give him the energy and meaning to share these insights with others.
Jacob's 3 tips for wellness
Free, easy to access and rewarding
Find what you want to do
Just finding what it is that you most want to do, whether it's swimming, walking, but not overcomplicating it. Even if just going outside and noticing some aspect of nature
You need to find the people around you that you can feel, trust in and reach out to them. Because that really does make a huge difference.
I think music is something else that I find that is just always available. I don't know what's going on there either, but just to kind to yourself, sit back in something that's familiar to you, it’s giving and really generous.