group of riders

Podcast / Henry Crew

Revelations from the 50,000 mile world record ride for men’s mental health

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"Find people that you can lean on and who can lean on you."

– Henry Crew

At 22, Henry is the youngest person to solo-circumnavigate the world on a motorcycle. After losing a friend to suicide, his passion for motorbikes evolved into a mission for men's mental health awareness.

A 381-day, 50,000+ mile adventure became a platform for breaking world records and championing the cause of The Movember Foundation - to reduce male suicide and prevent avoidable cancer deaths.

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Henry's 3 tips for wellness

Free, easy to access and rewarding

Choose the Right Platform for Opening Up

  • Know that most people find discussing mental health challenging.
  • Henry found it easier to talk to strangers or cameras initially.
  • Speak anonymously to people like the Samaritans, access non-judgmental spaces.

Find Your Thing

Whether riding motorbikes or yoga or something as accessible as running, cycling or walking, find what gives you mindfulness - this is your meditation.

Access Your People

  • Build friendship groups around your thing and create the supportive environment you need.
  • Join communities around shared experiences, such as Henry’s Dirty Weekend events

Related Mindful Resources

World Record Holder and Motorcycle Adventurer

In 2018, at the age of 22, I embarked on a journey around the planet. In doing so I became the youngest person to circumnavigate the world on a motorcycle. During that life-changing trip, I raised over £11,000 for the Movember Foundation to support their work for Men’s Mental Health. Since returning from my world record-breaking trip I have continued to travel by motorcycle, ticking off countries one by one this time! 

Mental Health Motorbike is a national charity

Mental Health Motorbike exists to create meaningful opportunities so that together we grow the greater wellbeing of the motorbike community. Our ultimate aim is to reduce suicide amongst bikers in the UK. We are building a free, dedicated national network of trained mental health first aiders who can support bikers and their families across the UK.

10 ways to find your passion in life

For some people, living their passion seems to come naturally. They throw themselves into the pursuits they love with no regard for what society expects of them. But it isn’t that easy for all of us. You’ve made lists. You’ve asked your friends for advice. You’ve tried journaling and you’ve analyzed every thought you’ve ever had. Yet, you’re still asking yourself “what is my passion?” That’s because passion comes from the heart, not the head. Chances are, you already know what your passion is. You just need to connect with it.